9×12 Area Rug

9×12 area rug styles are some of the most in-demand and beautiful designs today. With so many different types of oriental rugs available, choosing one to accent your room will be easy. But how do you know where to begin? There are actually several great ideas for oriental rug styles that you should explore in order to find the perfect design or theme for your space. Here are some of the best options:

You may want to go with a more traditional Oriental rug design if you have a large space that requires a lot of “bounce back” or “dazzle.” Large spaces in large rooms make great opportunities for bold colors and textures. Oriental carpets are both bold and luxurious; they work well in both neutral and bright tones. For a more classic look, choose a white Persian carpet for a cozy nook at the back of a sitting room or library. If you prefer a more modern design, go with a black or dark brown oriental rug for a hip corner.

Color is also a key element in choosing and designing a room’s furnishings. Bright colors can draw attention to a single piece or a collection of objects. Oriental carpets come in an array of shades including green, blue, red, yellow, ivory, peach, cream, denim, silk, burgundy, and others. Use these shades as jumping-off points for other decorating schemes. For example, consider pairing bold blue 9×12 area rugs with clean lines and a contemporary lamp shade.

If you need a rug that is more functional than decorative, think about buying rugs with extra cushioning. It’s nice to have a rug that can double as a pillow when it gets too cold in the evening. You may also find that you want to buy rugs with a double weave fabric, one that is made to feel softer on your feet and one that helps reduce matting in high traffic areas. Wool and cotton are both great choices for extra softness.

Purchasing Oriental 9×12 Area Rug

One aspect of purchasing Oriental carpets that many people do not think of is the floor coverings they have underneath them. Oriental floor coverings are quite different than ordinary carpet or tile floor coverings. The raised pattern of an oriental rug is complemented by rectangular shapes and sometimes square corners. Some floor coverings do not follow this pattern, but instead, use smooth textured patterns that mirror the raised edges in a way that still looks pleasingly smooth. These textured designs may not look as good as those that use traditional carpets, but they are much easier to clean.

Hand-tufted rugs are a great choice for those who are allergic to other rug types. These carpets are usually woven using a single needle and have an extra long yarn that has been twisted tightly to form a tight spiral. The knots in these rugs are not just visible because of the way the yarn is spun, but they are also tastefully stitched into the ends of the strands. Because these hand-tufted rugs are so well constructed and because they are often machine-made, they cost much less than carpets with pre-fabricated knots. While these drugs may be more difficult to clean than some others, the price of these hand-tufted oriental rugs is well worth the effort. Oriental carpets will enhance any room they are placed in, making them a truly excellent investment in home decor.

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OC Rug Store

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OC Rug Store